Monthly Archives: May 2012

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Aenean convallis aliquet lacus vitae tempus. Suspendisse accumsan nisl sit amet justo auctor id accumsan purus malesuada. Sed gravida, erat ut commodo commodo, metus ante facilisis ante, a vulputate tortor velit gravida tortor. Vivamus ante ante, fringilla vel hendrerit at, interdum id tortor.

Adjustable Rail Suport

Fully adjustable rail system and vibration dampers. Add or remove dampers and shift center of gravity to suite payload weight and size for the best flight and image results.

Etiam vitae ligula nulla, eget convallis erat. Nunc tortor sem, iaculis at rhoncus ac, molestie quis nunc.

Power and redundancy, the Mavrik X8 provides both. With eight reliable motors there is plenty of thrust for the most demanding conditions while offering flight safety in case of prop/motor/esc failure.